

(usa) Né le 01/04/1991 1.88m / 95kg


Board games, escape rooms, graphic design, running


Rally Training School, High Desert Adventures, National Hare and Hound Association, Argubright Construction

2024: 90th (74th Rally2)
2023: 22nd (3rd rookie)

2024: Glen Helen 10-Hour Endurance Race (1st)
2023: Sonora Rally (13th, 2nd Rally 2)
2021: Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge (2nd, RallyAbu2), Vegas to Reno (1st overall)
2019: AMA National Hare and Hound (1st overall)
2018: Vegas to Reno (1st overall)
2017: Best in the Desert (1st overall)
2015: AMA National West Hare Scramble (1st)
2012: AMA District 37 (1st overall)

“We made sand angels and had a good time!”


  • Talented American biker Jacob Argubright is gearing up for his third Dakar. After two editions with the Duust Rally Team, he has joined forces with the RSmoto Honda Rally Team for Dakar 2025, where he'll be riding an upgraded Honda CRF450RX
  • Jacob got his first bike at the age of 3 and grew up exploring the local desert tracks in Southern California. He was encouraged to get into racing by his father Steve, who used to compete himself, and went on to win some of the biggest titles in US offroad racing: Best In The Desert, Vegas to Reno and AMA National Hare and Hound.
  • He got his first taste of rally-raid at the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2021, where he took a stellar second place in the Rally 2 class. He then made his Dakar debut in 2023, finishing as the third-best rookie in 22nd overall. He later admitted he was "a little bit disappointed" with that result after a gas tank issue in the first week. He has spoken in the past about targeting the Top 10.
  • In 2024 Jacob won the Glen Helen 10-Hour Endurance Race alongside Nic Garvin and Colton Udall, finishing as the highest-ranked of 81 teams.
  • As well as racing, Jacob helps to manage the AMA National Hare and Hound series, which is majority owned by his wife Megan.


J.A.: “After Dakar 2024 I flew back to the States, spent 12 hours at home, then raced the season's first National Hare and Hound event on a friend's bike! It had rained and I couldn't resist that lovely wet dirt in my home desert. I felt really good and even got a Top 10 overall. At last year's Dakar I rode the Honda, but I was pitted out of Duust and we were kind of working together. This year Honda are taking more responsibility, so I'll be supported by RSmoto. There's been more development with the bike and I'm excited about it. Last year I had no expectations, it was kind of a test, but I still really enjoyed it. I'm happy to ride the Honda again and it should be even better. Last year I had technical trouble on Stage 3, so I was one of the last guys to start the next day. I caught up to Konrad, who was having trouble - and since I was pretty much out of the competition, I stayed and helped him. We made sand angels and had a good time! I've been with Duust pretty much my whole FIM career: Abu Dhabi, Sonora, Dakar… so it'll be weird not to be with them in 2025. And Konrad is a good friend. On Stage 5 we were pretty much the last two finishers, but that gave us good motivation for the 48-hour Chrono on Stage 6. I started in front of Konrad and I didn't want him to catch me, so we had some fun with that. At that point I was going for stage finishes and trying to help him in the overall. In the end we both had a pretty good stage, inside the Top 20. I'm looking for a better performance this year, for sure. At your first Dakar you're like, 'This is crazy!', you're just in awe. My second one was more business. And now I'm like, this is just another race for me. I've held back a little bit in previous years. My first goal is to finish, but I'm looking for more performance. I definitely wanna send it!"




  • CRF 450 RALLY
  • : 449.8cc liquid-cooled single-cylinder four-strok
  • 34L
  • RSmoto Honda Rally Team
  • RSmoto Honda Rally Team
  • Rally 2

Classement 2025

Toute l'actualité de J. Argubright

Dépêches - 16/01 13:35 [GMT +3] - Moto

Argubright pour le coup du jour

Jacob Argubright détrône Toni Mulec de la tête de la spéciale Rally 2 au km 112. L'Américain compte 43" d'avance sur le Slovène et 54" sur Mathieu Dovèze. Il est en lice pour décrocher sa première victoire sur le Dakar, ainsi que la première de Honda dans la catégorie !

Dépêches - 16/01 12:36 [GMT +3] - Moto

Suspense en Rally 2

Toni Mulec mène toujours l'étape Rally 2 au km 81, mais comme au scratch, les écarts diminuent. Le Slovène n'a plus que 6 secondes d'avance sur le Français Mathieu Dovèze, qui vise sa deuxième victoire de l'année, et 23 de marge sur Jacob Argubright. L'Américain se verrait bien offrir à Honda son premier succès...

Dépêches - 16/01 12:07 [GMT +3] - Moto

Mulec mène en Rally 2

Le Slovène Toni Mulec signe le meilleur temps de la catégorie Rally 2 au km 41 devant son coéquiier Mathieu Dovèze à 20 secondes. Konrad Dabrowski (3e à 29") et Jacob Argubright (4e à 35") sont dans le coup.

Dépêches - 12/01 13:09 [GMT +3] - Moto

Ebster conforte en Rally2

2'56" d'avance pour Tobias Ebster sur Romain Dumontier au km 289. Neels Theric a perdu du terrain et se trouve à 5'13", dépassé par Jacob Argubright à 4'41" du leader.

Dépêches - 12/01 09:52 [GMT +3] - Moto

Ebster sous pression

En Rally2, Tobias Ebster n'a plus que 14" d'avance sur Neels Theric au pointage du km 90. Jacob Argubright revient à 20", Edgar Canet à 37". Les pilotes de la catégorie viennent d'attaquer une portion de dunes.

Dépêches - 12/01 08:30 [GMT +3] - Moto

Ebster contre Canet

Tobias Ebster est le premier pilote Rally2 à s'élancer à 8h31, du fait de sa victoire de la veille. L'Autrichien est revenu à 11'56" d'Edgar Canet, leader du classement général depuis le premier jour. Le duel pour la victoire concerne pour le moment les deux KTM. Deux pilotes équipés d'une Honda se battent pour la...

Dépêches - 11/01 16:40 [GMT +3] - Moto

Dumontier sur le podium

Romain Dumontier monte sur le podium du classement général de la catégorie Rally2, plaçant une Honda derrière les KTM d'Edgar Canet et de Tobias Ebster. Le Français est suivi de près par une autre CRF, celle appartenant à Jacob Argubright, 4e et 1'53" derrière. Neels Theric complète le Top 5 en dépit...

Dépêches - 09/01 09:46 [GMT +3] - Moto

La meilleure Honda Rally2

Jacob Argubright et Romain Dumontier se battent pour être le meilleur pilote équipé d'une Honda en catégorie Rally2. L'Américain tient tête au Français depuis le départ du Dakar. Il est légèrement plus rapide que lui au km 137 de l'étape en cours. Au classement général virtuel, Dumontier...


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