N°140 دراجة Nomads Adventure


(che) تاريخ الولادة 29/01/1977 1.87m / 82kg


mountains, classic car restoration

First participation

2024 : Morocco Desert Challenge (14th) / Hellas Rally (48th, 24th M3) / Dinaric Rally (23rd, 10th M3)
2023 : Rallye du Maroc (91st, 66th Rally 2) / Morocco Desert Challenge (40th) / Hellas Rally (177th, 71st M3)
2022 : Rallye du Maroc (96th, 71st Rally 2) / Hellas Rally (118th, 51st M3)
2021 : Hellas Rally (63rd, 33rd M3)

“It's important to have dreams in life”


  • Dennis discovered motorbikes at the age of six, when he saw a Yamaha 50 in a store. The little boy insisted to his parents, until he had the bike! He continued with motocross, without being able to practice a lot for financial reasons.
  • A former soldier, the German approaches his sporting adventures with rigor and method. No room for improvisation: he does it once he is well trained, prepared and formed. A pattern that allowed him to climb to the roof of the world, Everest, in 2018! One of his two childhood dreams with the Dakar…
  • Dennis restores vintage cars, a passion that helps him to understand mechanical systems, which could be very helpful in Saudi Arabia. He has his own workshop in Lausanne, and doesn’t rule out the idea of competing in the Dakar Classic!
  • As luck would have it, Dennis is Hernan Samaniego’s neighbor in Switzerland. A race organizer in Mexico, Hernan founded Nomadas Adventure in 2017. The organization entered the Dakar in 2020, and will take care of the German competitor’s KTM this year.


D.M.: "Why do I want to do this? I always ask myself when I'm racing! (laughs) But two days later, at home, it's only good memories. As long as I can remember, I've always been super fascinated by the Dakar. Let's say that I don't come from a rich family, so it remained a dream for a long time. I started working, I found my way and it became more and more feasible. I had two dreams: to climb Everest and to do the Dakar. Now I have one dream left... I completed the first project in 2018 and I moved on to rallying, I've been working on it for five years now. It's important to have dreams in life, that's what keeps you moving. My aim is to do every kilometer of the race until the end. I want to enjoy these two weeks as much as possible, and of course not get injured. It's important because at 47, recovering takes time! So yes, let’s enjoy, finish the rally and return home healthy."


Nomads Adventure


  • KTM
  • 449 cc single cylinder, 4 stroke
  • steel, trellis
  • about 70 hp.
  • 139 kg
  • 33 liters
  • Nomadas Adventure
  • By himself
  • رالي 2

التصنيف 2025

جميع الأخبار D. Mildenberger

الأخبار العاجلة - 09/01 08:54 [GMT +3] - دراجة

ميلدنبرغر لا يستسلم

كان دينيس ميلدنبرغر من بين الدراجين الذين ناموا في الكثبان الرملية بجانب دراجاتهم خلال مرحلة الـ 48 ساعة. وصل الدراج السويسري إلى مخيّم المبيت في بيشة في وقت متأخر من اليوم التالي، وانطبق الأمر ذاته في العلا بالأمس حيث أكمل المبتدئ المرحلة الرابعة بعد الساعة 9 مساءً. تمكّن ميلدنبرغر من الوصول إلى قمة جبل إيفرست في 2018، لذا فهو لا يعرف معنى الاستسلام وسيظل وفياً لهذه المقولة...

الأخبار العاجلة - 06/01 10:23 [GMT +3] - دراجة

أليكسندر يون لا يستسلم

أمضى أليكسندر يون الليلة الماضية نائماً بجوار دراجته حيث فشل في بلوغ مناطق التخييم في الوقت المحدّد. لا زال الدراج المبتدئ في السباق وتدارك للتوّ خطأً ملاحياً حمله إلى مسار السيارات المنفصل قبل أن يعود أدراجه. أكمل أليكسندر 497 كيلومتر حتّى الآن خلف دينيس ميلدنبيرغر بـ 15 كيلومتر، حيث نام هذا الأخير أيضاً خارج مناطق التخييم. هذه الأخطاء لم تؤثر على روحهم القتالية! 


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