

(ltu) Nació el 10/12/1985 1.88m / 88kg


Wakeboarding, snowboarding, cycling


Hoto Factory Racing / AG DAKAR DUBAI

2024: 61st (9th T4)
2022: 28nd overall, 1st Original by Motul
2021: 21st overall, 1st Original by Motul
2020: 30th
2019: 24th

2024: Breslau rally (3rd Buggy Class, codriver of Emilija Gelazninkiene)
2023 Taklimakan rally China (2nd)
2021: Breslau rally (1st)
2020: Lithuanian Enduro & Cross-Country championship (1st)
2019: Tuareg Rally (1st) / Baja Poland (3rd) / Lithuanian Enduro & Cross-Country championship (1st)
2018: Balkan Offroad Rallye (1st) / Merzouga Rally (57th) / Baja Poland (3rd) / Baltic Cross-Country championship (1st) / Lithuanian Enduro & Cross-Country championship (1st)

“I’m a factory rider at last!”


  • Arunas Gelazninkas is a well-known figure on the Dakar, earning total respect from his fellow competitors by winning the Original by Motul category for motorcycles without assistance no less than twice, the last time in 2022.
  • Then, when in 2023 they changed the rules, taking some of the top malle-motos regulars out of the rankings, Arunas decided to give the race a miss.
  • But the Lithuanian couldn’t stay way and in 2024 he was back as a co-driver. The big difference compared with other co-drivers is that Arunas was navigating for his wife.
  • The event started extremely badly for the couple when they were hit by another car in the prologue. That put them right at the bottom of the start list and driving in the dust of the assistance trucks. But they fought back to finish an amazing 9th in T4!
  • While they were thinking about what to do for 2025, Arunas was contacted by the Chinese Hoto Factory Racing Team who had previously invited him to race in China. And just like that Arunas is a full factory rider!



“It has been three years since I rode a bike on the Dakar so I’ll be a bit rusty but I’m really excited at the prospect - being a fully supported factory rider is going to be luxury. The guys at Duust Racing will be doing our assistance and Frenchman Xavier Flick will be my teammate so that’s even better. My wife and I run a rally school out here in Dubai, AG Dakar School (they have two ‘students’ entered in this year’s Dakar) and Duust do a similar thing, so we’re already good friends. Xavier’s been out to China testing the bike but I haven’t had the chance to ride the bike yet. It will be delivered to me here in Dubai in a couple of weeks and I’m looking forward to trying it out. In the photos it looks really good. I don’t know what the programme will be with Hoto Factory Racing but I know they have big plans. Let’s do the Dakar first and see where that takes us!”




  • HOTO
  • 449cc
  • 68hp
  • 134 kg
  • 36L
  • Hoto
  • Duust
  • Rally 2

Clasificación 2025

Toute l'actualité de A. Gelazninkas

Últimas noticias - 17/01 08:55 [GMT +3] - Moto

Gelažninkas lidera

A la espera aún de los pilotos de Rally GP, Arunas Gelažninkas se ha puesto en cabeza y saca 54 segundos de ventaja a Mike Wiedemann y 58 a Mathieu Dovèze.

Últimas noticias - 16/01 10:58 [GMT +3] - Moto

Arunas, en la pista

Arunas Gelazninkas firmó ayer el mejor resultado del fabricante chino Hoto al terminar 7º. El lituano afronta ya la especial. Las tres motos inscritas por Hoto siguen en carrera, todas ellas en el Top 40 de la general: Xavier Flick es 28º, Arunas Gelazninkas 32º y Fang Xiangliang 38º.

Últimas noticias - 14/01 09:43 [GMT +3] - Moto

Las tres Hoto en el Top 40

Hoto se estrena este año en el Dakar con tres motos inscritas. Están equipadas con un motor KTM en un chasis del fabricante chino. Las tres primeras motos fabricadas hasta ahora por la marca siguen en carrera en la novena etapa y todas ellas se encuentran en el Top 40 de la general. Arūnas Gelažninkas (29º), Xavier Fick (31º) y Fang Xiangliang (39º)...

Últimas noticias - 12/01 11:42 [GMT +3] - Moto

Hoto avanza

Recién llegada al Dakar, la marca china Hoto - que actualmente utiliza motores KTM - obtuvo su mejor resultado en la primera etapa, con Xavier Flick en el puesto 24. Su compañero de equipo Arunas Gelazninkas está en condiciones de hacerlo mejor hoy. El lituano, ganador de la categoría Original by Motul en 2021 y 2022, ocupa la 21ª posición...

Últimas noticias - 11/01 10:44 [GMT +3] - Moto

Las tres Hoto permanecen en carrera

El fabricante chino Hoto ha inscrito por primera vez este año tres motos en el Dakar (¡las únicas tres que existen!). Las máquinas incluyen piezas fabricadas por la marca pero están propulsadas por motores KTM, a la espera de la llegada de los motores Hoto en un futuro próximo. Las tres superaron la primera semana de competición...


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