Luciano Benavides: “I feel better than I ever have”

Dakar 2025 | Stage 5 | ALULA > HAIL
January 9 th 2025 - 13:46 [GMT + 3]

Luciano Benavides has completed the first week with a stage win following the penalty given to Adrien Van Beveren. The younger of the Benavides brothers, who has finished the stages between 5th and 14th place, featuring on the top 6 to 8 since the start in Bisha, will begin the second week in 7th place in the general rankings, 32’15’’ behind his team-mate Daniel Sanders.

“I hope the strategy is going to be favourable to me in the second week. I’m happy with the bike and my pace. I feel better than I ever have. But, on his race, some decisions are made that call into question the strategic choices prepared several days before. That said, all in all, I’m still in the game and there are still many kilometres to go”.

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