The “Original by Motul” category, refers to bikes and quads competitors competing without any kind of assistance. A driver accompanied by someone in-race, as assistance or Media will not be eligible to participate in this category; a specific competition rule applies for competitors under this category.
The Organization commits to play the role of an assistance team for the pilots of this category through the following dispositive:
- Provision of 1 trunk per competitor that should be used for storage of the competitor’s personal belongings, spare parts, tools and accessories;
- Provision of 1 headlight.
- Transport, for each competitor, of the following items: 1 trunk, 1 set of wheels, 1 sleeping tent, 1 travel bag, 1 set of tyres;
- Free use of the generators, compressors and tool-boxes;
- Easy access to the race’s information.
Motul, major partner of the Dakar, wishes to support the Original By Motul competitors. By sponsoring this category, Motul will make available for each of its registered drivers:
- 1x bike lifter ;
- 1x environmental carpet;
- 1x 2-seconds sleeping tent (2 persons); 1x camping mattress, 1x sleeping bag 0°, 1x survival blanket;
- 1x 90L travel bag and 1x 25L waterproof backpack;
- 1x cap and 1x poncho;
- 1x personalized rally jacket et 1x personalized rally jersey;
- 1x hygiene kit.
Delivery of this material will be defined at a later stage. Motul will also provide the pilots with products from the brand.
For more information, please refer to the article 10.5 of the Bike/Quad specific regulations.