A.S.O. will only accept payments from one payer per file who must carry out all payment transactions. One bill will be sent to each team after the rally, made out to the payer’s name and address.
Payments for the race or assistance must be made:
- By SWIFT bank transfer, an official proof of the transfer order must be sent to the A.S.O. Competitors’ Department By a bank cheque made out to A.S.O. for French competitors, the application number (D40…) must be written legibly on the back of each cheque
- By a bank cheque made out to A.S.O. for French competitors, the application number (D40…) must be written legibly on the back of each cheque
Only the reception of your cheque (for French competitors) or your bank transfer copy corresponding to the first part of your registration fees will have value of application file creation.
For Motorbike and Quad categories, the first payment of € 4,000 is compulsory before July 15th to enter in the selection process.
In the case where the application has not been accepted in the selection, all payments paid will be refunded.
A.S.O. reserves the right to cancel registrations that have not been paid in full by November, the 1st 2019 and prohibit the registration of the team or competitor in the rally for the next 5 years. Late payments will cause a 10% surcharge on the amounts which should have been paid.
- For cancellations before September 1st 2020, €3.000 will be retained for administrative costs.
- For cancellations after September 1st 2020, 100% of the due amounts on deadline will be demanded.
In case of cancelation due to Covid-19 reasons, the full amount collected will be refund.
In cases of severe medical circumstances, A.S.O. will study on demand a possibility of partial refunding (original of the full medical file shall be sent). 3 000 euros will initially be retained.